Big Issues

Uncut: My interview with the director of Freightened on the true cost of shipping us everything

October 20, 2016



Look around the room you’re in right now. Ninety percent of absolutely everything that surrounds you came by ship. What’s the big deal? Isn’t that better than coming by carbon-spewing planes? You’ll rethink that after seeing the documentary Freightened, screening this weekend at the Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival. I wrote a short piece on it with a heavily condensed Q&A with director Denis Delestrac for NOW Magazine. But he had so many more important and frightening things to say (just listen to his thoughts on the heartbreaking impacts of shipping’s acoustic pollution on whales) so I’m including the full uncut audio of our interview right here for your listening pleasure. We spoke on the phone while he was in Paris last Saturday and man, was it ever eye-opening. We all need to sit up and listen or else the impacts of the shipping industry on water, workers and wildlife will remain in the legal shadows of the high seas. Without further ado…