Big Issues is blacking out to speak out

June 3, 2012

Hey ecoholics, is going black all of June 4 to speak out in support of two things that makes us truly Canadian – nature and democracy. The feds are axing our Canadian Environmental  Assessment Act and replacing it with a watered down version that speeds up assessments of mega projects. As well they’re sawing off funding to the environment, oceans and fisheries, all while miraculously finding $8 million in funding to audit eco orgs that speak out against government attacks on the environment. And they’re sneaking these changes into a massive omnibus budget bill, Bill C-38. This is not politics as usual. This is our time to make some noise. We all need to speak up to protect our corner of the world. You don’t have to consider yourself an activist or lobbyist to do it. Just send a quick but important email to your MP telling them NOT to sell us, our children or their future out .  Sign the petition or send a letter here. 

Thanks everyone! Adria

You can send your own email to your MP that goes something like this:

Dear Member of Parliament: (find your MPs contact info here)  

The federal budget legislation (Bill C-38) puts our land, water and climate at risk by making enormous changes to Canada’s environmental laws. It also contains sweeping new powers to limit debate and silence legitimate voices, including those of land owners, First Nations, charities and other Canadians.

I care about nature and democracy, which is why I’m asking you, as my representative in our Parliament, to express my concern about changing Canada’s environmental and charitable laws without sufficient public input and Parliamentary debate.


A concerned citizen