If a Notebook Falls in the Forest: Better Back to School Paper Guide
August 22, 2013
Whether you’re writing a “how I spent my summer vacation” essay or taking notes for linguistic anthropology, there would be no school without paper. Well, okay, fine, the school of life and the school of hard knocks aren’t quite as reliant on paper products, but you get the point. Either way, Ecoholic is offering up a paper guide on some of the good, bad and uglier options on
shelves today. It’s part two of our ongoing team-up with David Suzuki’s awesome Queen of Green Tovah Paglaro and her national Better Back To School Brigade.
Lots of interesting finds this week…Turns out EarthChoice paper probably isn’t the earth’s number one choice in printer paper, though it could be worse. It could be Sustainable Forestry Initiative-certified. Check out my Q&A with ForestEthics campaigner Jim Ace on their Stop SFI Greenwashing campaign. And who knew Woody Harrelson was in the paper making biz? I was totally pumped to find out that you can buy his wheat straw waste printer paper (Step Forward) at Staples of all places. And no, you won’t find his face on the front, so don’t look for it.
All this, plus the latest findings on heavy metals in cosmetics and the smack down on Nestle’s bottled water permit, in the latest issue of Ecoholic!
Oh and one more thing, thanks to the Tovah and the Better Back to School Brigade team, you can win stuff!
a Rafflecopter giveaway