
The low down on Neutrogena Naturals

July 11, 2012

  Brand-makers are pretty clever. They’re catching on to the fact that when they say natural we want to know just how natural they are. Enter Neutrogena Naturals. This skincare line popping up on drugstore shelves actually has a guide on the back telling you where their, say, glycol distearate comes from. Well, sort of.… ReadPreviousNext Post


Skin Deep vs Good Guide: The database wars

July 5, 2012

  Put up your hand if you find shopping for genuinely safe, natural, eco-friendly products confusing. Okay, that’s about the majority of us. I won’t lie, it’s tough out there. Outing pseudo natural greenwashers is a big part of what I do in Ecoholic Body, on shows like CBC Marketplace and in this very blog (slamming deodorants like Degree… ReadPreviousNext Post


Are e-cigarettes actually eco?

June 21, 2012

I’ve never liked cigarettes. Never could stand the smell. The on-call obstetrician that delivered me into the world even tried to walk into the delivery room with a smoke dangling from his lips  and my father promptly made him put the damn thing out. (Go dad! This was 1970s Quebec, after all.) Still, I don’t… ReadPreviousNext Post


Postcards from the Road: Nelson

June 5, 2012

  Criss-crossing the country promoting Ecoholic Body, I’ve gathered up a few postcards from the road. First up: beautiful Nelson, B.C. After stopping by Breakfast Television Edmonton and doing a book signing at the one-and-only Carbon Enviromental Boutique (also in eternally-sunny Edmonton) I headed for a little R’ n’ R in the Kootenay’s (which happens to be… ReadPreviousNext Post

Big Issues is blacking out to speak out

June 3, 2012

Hey ecoholics, is going black all of June 4 to speak out in support of two things that makes us truly Canadian – nature and democracy. The feds are axing our Canadian Environmental  Assessment Act and replacing it with a watered down version that speeds up assessments of mega projects. As well they’re sawing off… ReadPreviousNext Post


Is your garden getting doused with lead?

May 25, 2012

Living in the east of Toronto , I’ve always wondered what’s in my soil.  Not just the nutrient balance but the really dirty stuff too, like lead. Until I get a proper lead test done and/or build raised beds in my latest apartment, I’ve refrained from planting root veggies, as much as I’ve craved pulling… ReadPreviousNext Post


Achoo! Allergic to spring?

May 21, 2012

If the song “Dust in the Wind” has you cursing about pollen, join the club. A recent Gallop poll found that more Americans than ever reported allergy woes last month. We’re still waiting on the numbers out of Canada but after a weirdly warmer than average winter, allergies have been predicted to spike. Check out… ReadPreviousNext Post


Honey, honey, how you heal me

May 14, 2012

I love bypassing the chemical middlemen of this world and making a bee-line to mother nature whenever possible. I already told you about one of my favourite kitchen cupboard beauty secrets — oil (and it’s dozen and one functions), but there’s another ingredient in your kitchen pantry that’s got amazing healing properties — honey! It’s been used… ReadPreviousNext Post


Good news and bad news on pitcher filters

May 10, 2012

Oh pitcher filter. Why did you have to disappoint us, so? Yes, in this week’s Ecoholic column I talk about the short comings of Canada’s favourite water filter, Brita, as well as other pitcher filters. Seems they do reduce heavy metals like mercury and used to meet lead reduction standards, and then the standards improved… ReadPreviousNext Post


DIY: Can I Make My Own Teeth Whitener?

April 30, 2012

As your grandpa will tell you, baking soda is a decent abrasive whitener. But brushing the powder straight onto your teeth can cause major irritation and long-term enamel erosion. Make sure it’s well diluted in a homemade paste with vegetable glycerine and some dissolved xylitol as your cavity-fighting sweetener. You can also cut the top… ReadPreviousNext Post