
Big Issues

Ecoholic update! New adventures ahead

September 21, 2017

You may have noticed my Ecoholic feed has been a little sleepy over the summer. Well, after 15 amazing years of writing for NOW Magazine every week, including 13 years of doing the Ecoholic column, I took the summer mostly off to reboot, play, meditate in the mountains of Guatemala, free my dad’s ashes in the… ReadPreviousNext Post


Mindful May: savouring the moment 101

May 10, 2017

Bursting buds, sweetly singing birds. After a long, dark winter, this is when we’re all supposed to stop, take a deep breath and smell the roses…or the magnolias, since the roses aren’t technically in bloom yet. Thing is, it’s really difficult to smell the subtle scent of magnolia trees while sprinting full speed to catch a… ReadPreviousNext Post


Rain or shine: my month long nature bootcamp

May 27, 2014

Can you believe May is almost coming to an end? Rain/shine/gloriously torrential downpours/surprise scorchers (is it really 28 degrees in Toronto today?) – I’ve soaked every bloomin’ day of it in. That was NOT that case in April when I was drained of all life force knocked over sideways with a crazy multi-tentacled flu virus… ReadPreviousNext Post


The rise of corporate mindfulness

April 20, 2014

Hey gang, My big piece on mindful corporations in Corporate Knights Magazine is out! Here’s a little teaser. SAN FRANCISCO – Executives from Google, Facebook and Instagram are all taking turns on a hotel conference room stage sharing business insights with an audience of 2,000. They’re not, as you might expect, clicking through slide shows about user… ReadPreviousNext Post


How green is that “eco” yoga mat really?

March 5, 2014

Spend a lot of time face time with your yoga mat? So many mats splash the words “eco” and “biodegradable” in their marketing but are they telling the truth? Long story short, too many eco mats claiming to be green are totally stretching their credibility (some puns can’t be avoided, sorry). It’s pretty astounding how many companies… ReadPreviousNext Post